Need us to find you a lender?
Need a short term interest free loan to pay it off quickly?
Need a car for just a few months?
No matter what you need, at Joe's, we have a program for you.
We offer Buy Here Pay Here, Bank Financing and Leasing. On average, most people put between 1000-2000 down on a vehicle. Your down payment can be a little more or a little less, depending on what vehicle you choose.
To find out exactly what your down payment and monthly payment would be on any vehicle, fill out the application HERE.
No matter what your credit score is, we have a program for you. Everyone is approved. The only requirement is that you have a valid driver’s license and proof of income.
Once your application is submitted, one of our team members will contact you immediately. We perform one inquiry on your credit. We do not run your credit multiple times like many other dealers.
We do accept trade-ins. As long as you can drive it in, we will buy it. You can use your trade in as part of your down payment!